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Russian Floating Universities Project

Russian Floating Universities Project

On November 10, 2021, the official presentation of our book "Features of the national innovation culture" will take place at the EXPOFORUM Convention and Exhibition Center as part of the XIV St. Petersburg International Innovation Forum.

The book covered the activities of many Russian organizations, and since the beginning of our work on the book, certain events have occurred in the lives of these companies and enterprises.

During the month that remains before the presentation of the book, we will publish these news in our blog "Innovative Culture in the World".

The news series will be opened by an article about Russian floating universities.

On June 28, 2021, the seventh scientific and educational expedition "Floating Universities Fleet" was launched. "Floating Universities Fleet" is a network mobile scientific, educational and interregional project implemented since 2015 in the Volga region, the Don region, the Caspian Sea and the Urals. The work of the expedition combines interdisciplinary scientific research and "education through research" in the traditions of the world practice of "floating universities". The news and results of the expedition can be found on the Facebook page of the Association of Floating Universities.

This association was established in 2018 and covers in detail the activities of Russian floating universities. This is a public organization, an innovative project combining science and education of the water territories of Russia. The main goal of the association is to preserve the environment and ensure sustainable development of the region for future generations.

We'd like also to note that in 2021, the Arctic Floating University of Northern Arctic Federal University celebrated its 10th anniversary. In June, an expedition to the western part of the Russian Arctic took place supported by the world-class scientific and educational center "Russian Arctic: new materials, technologies and research methods". 22 researchers and 20 students and postgraduates took part in the expedition. The research was carried out on the scientific expedition vessel "Mikhail Somov".

The Floating Universities project is actively developing and is known not only in Russia, but also abroad. Foreign universities (Norway, Sweden, Switzerland, China, etc.) allocate grants to their students to send them on similar expeditions. In the future, it is planned to prepare a regulatory framework and create conditions for the participation of Russian floating universities in international projects and international tenders.
