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Sweden Enhances its International Innovation Collaboration
We have many technological developments that today are an integral part of our lives. It is no coincidence that many of these technological developments and innovations have Sweden as their homeland.
Among Sweden’s top inventions that have eternally changed our lives are Bluetooth, GPS, Computer mouse, Telephone handset, Candy Crush, Spotify, TetraPak, AIS or the Automatic Identification System. According to the Global Innovation Index, Sweden is ranked as the second most innovative country in the world. Also Sweden leads the world in terms of the number of inventions per capita, according to the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) in its latest report.
Sweden stands at the top of the pyramid of countries that invest in technology development. According to a 2020 statistic when it comes to research and development (R&D), Sweden proves its commitment by investing, as a rule, more than 3 percent of the country’s domestic product growth (GDP) in R&D.
The national initiative Ignite Sweden is a program aimed at catalysing commercial partnerships between innovative startups and large companies. In the first edition of the Sweden-India Startup Matchday on October 12, Swedish startups with sustainable solutions for smart cities within digitalization, electrification, smart mobility and IoT have the unique chance to meet world-leading corporations established in India.
For Swedish startups, the Indian market and its enormous potential is an opportunity for the emergence of new customers, projects, and businesses. For Indian companies, the connection with new technologies and Swedish innovations makes it possible to increase their competitiveness and find solutions to their challenges and needs.
Sweden’s research institute RISE is also innovation partner. Through its international collaboration programmes with industry, academia and the public sector, RISE ensures the competitiveness of the Swedish business community on an international level and contributes to a sustainable society.
The Research Institutes of Sweden (RISE) and Japan Innovation Network (JIN) this month have signed an agreement on collaboration in the field of innovation. In this agreement, RISE and JIN agreed to join forces towards innovative solutions to address societal and industrial challenges through collaboration within innovation management and connecting innovation ecosystems in Sweden and Japan.
The agreement between RISE and JIN includes professionalisation of Innovation Management for a structured approach for innovation processes, and connecting the Swedish and Japanese innovation systems, engaging academia, research institutes and industry in addressing challenges for society and industry, and bringing forward innovative solutions.