The 55-th Winter School of the Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute NRC KI
March 13 – 18, 2023
Organizer - St. Petersburg Institute of Nuclear Physics named after B.P. Konstantinov, National Research Center "Kurchatov Institute"
Venue: Luga, Health association "Green Forest"
Leading scientists gave lectures on various aspects of theoretical and experimental physics of the atomic nucleus, elementary particles, atomic physics, astrophysics, physics and technology of reactors, nuclear medicine and accelerator physics Lectures are intended for undergraduates, graduate students and young researchers. Young participants were given the opportunity to participate in sectional and poster sessions.
Services: preparation of technical specifications and design estimates, booking of hotel accommodation for participants, catering of participants, production of printed and souvenir products, transport services.
Meeting on solid state theory
May 17 - 19, 2023
Organizer - Ioffe Institute
Venue: FTI named after A. F. Ioffe, Polytechnic str., 26, St. Petersburg
The topics of the meeting cover modern trends in solid state theory with an emphasis on semiconductor physics, as well as bright experimental achievements in the physics of semiconductor low-dimensional systems. The goal is to develop the theory of a solid body and identify the most important and relevant areas of condensed matter physics. The meeting is a continuation of the Meetings of the theory of semiconductors, which took place in FTI im. A. F. Ioffe in 2009, 2016 and 2019, and the regular Meetings of the theory of semiconductors held under the leadership of L. V. Keldysh and V. I. Perel in the past.
Services: financial management, organization of hotel accommodation for participants, catering for participants.
The Second Scientific Forum "Genetic Resources of Russia"
June 26-28, 2023
Оrganizer - the Vavilov Society of Geneticists and Breeders (VOGiS)
VIR named after N.I. Vavilov (VIR)
Venue: Saint Petersburg Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Saint Petersburg, Universitetskaya nab., 5).
The plenary sessions of the Forum were held on June 28, 2023 in the great hall of the St. Petersburg Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences. The Forum brought together eight conferences designed to highlight modern areas of work with collections of genetic resources and their application in basic science, medicine and agriculture. Within the framework of the Forum, a comprehensive discussion took place on the specifics of using, replenishing, maintaining and developing bioresource collections of microorganisms, plants and animals, as well as working with human genetic databases. The Forum participants got acquainted with the variety of bioresource collections, modern methods and approaches to their study, as well as the possibilities of bioresource collections for solving various applied tasks.
The II Scientific Forum "Genetic Resources of Russia" gathered 369 participants from 23 regions of Russia, as well as Kazakhstan and Belarus. The largest number of participants represented St. Petersburg and Moscow, Tatarstan and the Novosibirsk Region were represented by a significant number of participants. The event was attended by 85 highly qualified specialists with an academic degree. 120 participants of the event were under the age of 35, which testifies to the significant interest shown in the Forum by students of Higher educational institutions and scientific youth.
Our services: venue selection and conference halls booking, financial management, online and onsite registration, information support for participants, online abstracts submission, poster session organizing, catering, organizing an exhibition and sponsorship, editorial and publishing services, printing services for the production of printed materials, printed materials and souvenirs production, participant's kit making, onsite event coordination, transportation and excursion services, transport logistics, photo and video services.
II All-Russian School-conference "Preservation and multiplication of genetic resources of microorganisms"
June 26- 27, 2023
Organizer - All-Russian Research Institute of Agricultural Microbiology (FGBNU VNIISKHM), St. Petersburg State University
Venue: St. Petersburg, Galernaya Street 58-60, Faculty of Liberal Arts and Sciences of St. Petersburg State University
The purpose of the conference was to highlight the advanced areas of fundamental and applied research of microorganisms using modern methods of genetics, microbiology, molecular biology and biotechnology and bioresource collections.
The scientific program of the school-conference covered five main areas: biodiversity of microorganisms of natural ecosystems, economically valuable microorganisms: methods of detection and study, pathogenic microorganisms: diagnostics, study and control problems, microbial consortia: features of the study of complex supra-organizational systems, accumulation, storage and systematization of microorganisms and information about them.
Services: organization of hotel accommodation, catering of participants, production of printed and souvenir products, preparation of the participant's portfolio, transport service, exhibition.
12th scientific meeting on neutron star physics -2023
July 10–14, 2023
Organizer - Ioffe Institute
Venue: St. Petersburg, A.F. Ioffe Institute of Technical Sciences, Polytechnic str., 26
It was the 12th scientific conference on the physics of neutron stars in St. Petersburg, since 1988. It is organized by the Theoretical Astrophysics Sector of the A.F. Ioffe Institute of Physics and Technology. The previous conference of this series was held in 2017.
The conference was held mainly in a face-to-face format (80 out of 90 participants were personally present). The scientific program included 55 oral and 28 poster presentations covering the main issues of observations and theory of neutron stars, as well as related phenomena.
Our services: financial management, hotel accommodation, catering, participant's kit making, transportation and excursion services, banquet.

XV Interstate Conference «Thermoelectrics and Their Applications-2018» (ISCTA 2023)
September 11-14, 2023
Organizers - Ioffe Institute (Laboratory of Physics of Thermoelements), Scientific Council of the Russian Academy of Sciences on the complex problem “Methods of direct conversion of types of Energy", Russian Thermoelectric Society
Venue: Saint Petersburg, Saint Petersburg Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 5 Universitetskaya nab. and A.F. Ioffe Institute of Physics and Technology, 26 Politechnicheskaya str.
During the conference, fundamental and applied aspects of the thermoelectric method of energy conversion, physics and materials science of thermoelectrics were considered.
A round table "Actual applied problems in the field of thermoelectric transformation - interaction of science and industry" was organized within the framework of the conference.
36 oral and 46 poster presentations were presented at the conference.
The number of participants was 128 people.
Turnkey organization: site selection and booking of conference halls for the event, financial management, online and on-site registration of participants, information support of participants, acceptance of abstracts, organization of poster sessions, catering of participants, organization of exhibitions and sponsorship, editorial and publishing services, printing services for production of printed products, production of printed and souvenir products, preparation of the participant's portfolio, coordination of work on the site, excursion service, organization of a banquet for participants, organization of transport logistics.
II School-seminar "Mechanics, chemistry and new materials"
September 25 - 27, 2022
Organizers - St. Petersburg State University
Saint Petersburg Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Scientific Council on Gorenje and Explosion as part of the Joint Scientific Council on Problems of Materials Science, Mechanics, Strength)
Venue: Saint Petersburg Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Saint Petersburg, Universitetskaya nab., 5).
Services: rent of a conference hall and presentation equipment, catering of participants, production of printed and souvenir products, preparation of a participant's kit, coordination of work on the site, organization of coffee breaks
International Conference PhysicA.SPb/2023
October 23–27, 2023
Organizer - Ioffe Institute
Venue: 36 Torez Ave., Saint Petersburg, Saint Petersburg, Sputnik Hotel
The conference gathers about 400 participants from various regions of Russia, near and far abroad. It is traditionally attended by scientists of higher educational institutions and scientific organizations, as well as students and postgraduates conducting research in various fields of physics and astronomy.
The main objectives of the Conference are the development of regional and international scientific cooperation, the creation of conditions for the exchange of ideas and research results, the systematization of current problems, the identification of trends in the development of scientific research, as well as the publication of peer-reviewed works in the international scientific press. Since 2012, extended abstracts of the Physics conference.St. Petersburg is published in English in the Journal of Physics: Conference Series (IOP Publishing), indexed by Web of Science and Scopus.
The Program Committee of the Conference pays great attention not only to the fundamental, but also to the applied significance of the presented reports, which makes it possible to combine within one conference the entire spectrum of physical sciences, including astrophysics, plasma physics, solid state physics, semiconductor physics and biophysics.
Turnkey organization: site selection and booking of conference halls, financial management, information support for participants, acceptance of abstracts, organization of poster sessions, catering of participants, editorial and publishing services, printing production, preparation of a participant's kit, coordination of work on the site, excursion services, organization of transport logistics.